When a loved one has Alzheimer's, "you lose them twice," said Lucy Lamm. "Once when their mind goes and once when they pass away."   Bonnie celebrated her 91st birthday in a Wilson, North Carolina memory care unit with Lucy and other child
 Lucy Lamm talks with her husband Willis on the phone after visiting Bonnie, her 91-year old grandmother who has Alzheimer's.
 Lucy holds Bonnie's hand at Spring Arbor, a memory care unit in Wilson, NC.
 Mary Jo Bullock, Lucy's sister, brings balloons into Bonnie's room at the memory care unit in Wilson, N.C. 
 Lucy helps lay Bonnie's head on the pillow after coming to visit on Bonnie's 91st Birthday. She often sleeps most of the day. 
 Bonnie died six days after her 91st birthday. Lucy looks at her mother's ashes after a burial service in Wilson, North Carolina. In Bonnie's obituary, the family asked friends to support the NC Alzheimer's Association, a non-profit doing Alzheimer's
 Lucy meets with friends and family at a memorial service for her mother.
 Lucy sets out a photo of her mother in a reception room before a memorial service at First Presbyterian Church in Wilson, N.C.
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